martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

Tool: Burp suite v1.1 (Test de Seguridad en aplicaciones Web)

Burp Suite version 1.1 es la ultima versión de la plataforma integrada que es útil para realizar Test de intrusión en aplicaciones Web. La herramienta permite combinar técnicas manuales y automáticas para enumerar, analizar, atacar y explotar aplicaciones Web.

La suite esta formada por los siguientes componentes:
- Burp intruder
- Burp spider
- Burp sequencer
- Burp repeater
- Burp proxy. Proxy Spoofing / Transparent Proxy
Dichos componentes trabajan juntos con eficacia para compartir la información y permitir conclusiones identificadas para formar la base de los ataques posibles.

Nuevas características de la versión 1.1:
  • Improved analysis of HTTP requests and responses wherever they appear, with browser-quality HTML and media rendering.
  • Burp Sequencer, a new tool for analysing session token randomness.
  • Burp Decoder, a new tool for performing manual and intelligent decoding and encoding of application data.
  • Burp Comparer, a new utility for performing a visual diff of any two data items.
  • Support for custom client and server SSL certificates.
  • Ability to follow 3xx redirects in Burp Intruder and Repeater attacks.
  • Improved interception and match-and-replace rules in Burp Proxy.
  • A "lean mode", for users who prefer less functionality and a smaller resource footprint.

Download Burp Suite:
Burp Suite is free to use for personal and commercial purposes. Burp Suite includes all of the free Burp tools, and a demo version of Burp Intruder.
Burp Suite is a Java application, and runs on any platform for which a Java Runtime Environment is available. It requires version 1.5 or later.
Both archives contain the same files, which will run under both Windows and Linux.

Link relacionados:
Terminos y condiciones de uso
Web Oficial

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