viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008

Top 10 Security Trends for 2008

En el boletin de Marzo de Blue Coat Systems se publico el Top Ten Security Trends for 2008:
  • 1. The Hack is back! Actually ill-intentioned hackers (who were never really gone) will continue to inject Mobile Malicious Code (MMC) into otherwise reputable sites.

  • 2. Web sites will remain vulnerable to attack until security training and testing become mandatory for Web developers.

  • 3. Malware infections will spread through widgets in Web sites and dashboards.

  • 4. Thieves and “ne’er-do-wells” will continue to target laptops harboring valuable identity-based information.

  • 5. Online videos will become a channel for attacks.

  • 6. Infected devices might even be sitting on your living room mantel! Digital picture frames and memory sticks are now vulnerable to attack.

  • 7. Storm warning! Botnets, like the Storm botnet, will be responsible for the bulk of spam and malware infections this year.

  • 8. Through social network sites, we’ll find old friends—and new malware.

  • 9. In response to identity thefts, companies will begin using custom identity numbers rather than Social Security numbers to identify individuals.

  • 10. Web security will continue to be thwarted by the performance and scalability limitation of most Web gateway products.

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