domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008

Estudio: (ISC)2 Global Information Security [2008]

2008 (ISC)2 Global Information Security
Workforce Study

Un documento de Frost & Sullivan [patrocinado por (ISC)2] proporciona información detallada sobre las tendencias y las oportunidades emergentes en la profesión relacionada con la seguridad de la información en todo el mundo.

Una encuesta electrónica se realizó a través de un portal, en donde los encuestados de 7548 empresas y organizaciones del sector público en todo el mundo ofrecieron sus opiniones. Los temas cubiertos en el estudio van desde los años de experiencia en seguridad de la información, formación recibida, al valor de las certificaciones y las nuevas áreas donde se requiere capacitación adicional.

Algunas conclusiones claves del estudio:
Respondents came from the three major regions of the world: Americas (41%), Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) (25%), and Asia-Pacific (34%). It is also interesting to note that this year, respondents from Africa, Latin America, and Oceania comprised 17% of the total respondents.
A third of respondents said their primary functional responsibilities are mostly managerial, with a higher proportion of respondents (48%) reporting that their functional responsibilities will be mostly managerial in the next two to three years.
Respondents from the Americas see a growing demand for education in security administration (53%), applications and systems development for security (39%) and telecommunications and network security (34%).
Respondents from EMEA see a growing demand for security administration (40%), business continuity and disaster recovery planning (29%) and privacy (29%).
Respondents from Asia-Pacific see a growing demand for security administration (54%), applications and systems development for security (36%) and telecommunications and network security (34%).
Three-quarters of respondents see viruses and worm attacks as a top/high threat. Next in line for concern are hackers and inside employees as potential security threats.
Three quarters of respondents view the impact of service downtime (73%) and damage to the organization’s reputation (71%) as top/high priorities. In addition, customer issues related to privacy violations (70%) and customer identify theft (67%) are a top/high priority.
Banking/Insurance/Finance sector respondents have a greater concern for all security threats, such as hackers, viruses and other threats compared to other industry segment respondents.
A higher proportion of Government sector respondents see cyber terrorism (41%) as a top/high concern.

Descarga del Estudio

Cryptex - Seguridad de la Informacion

Link relacionado:
- Comentario en español sobre el estudio por ISC2
- Las preocupaciones respecto a la reputación corporativa convierten la seguridad informática en una prioridad principal a nivel mundial, afirma un estudio

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