viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008

fgdump 2.1.0 Released - A Tool For Mass Password Auditing of Windows Systems

Auditing of Windows Systems

Found a couple issues with fgdump, not the least of which is that the remote 64-bit detection was far from perfect. It's still not perfect, but it IS better. Here's the notes for the release:
  • Better 32/64 bit detection. This is not as easy as it sounds, at least not remotely! If someone has a sure-fire way for 100% reliably detecting the target OS, please let me know. In the mean time, if fgdump is unsure, it will report it and default to 32-bit.
  • The -O [3264] flag will manually override the target OS architecture. So, for example if fgdump is reporting a host as 32-bit and you KNOW it is 64-bit, you can use -O 64 (or vice-versa, of course). Note that this flag will apply to ALL hosts you are dumping! You might want to single out any hosts you need to override.
  • cachedump64.exe was not being deleted from 64-bit targets, which should be fixed now.
System Requirements
Windows 2000, XP or 2003
Administrative Credentials on Target Systems Windows 2000, XP or 2003, Vista
Vista cannot currently do cachedumps, and requires enabling Remote Registry and File Sharing


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