miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

Pósters de Concientización en Seguridad de la Información (V)

Continuando con la entrega de material utilizado en la concientización y capacitación en Seguridad de la información de usuarios, les presentamos en esta quinta entrega a "Microsoft Security Awareness Program Tool Kit and Guide, un material publicado por Microsoft.

El kit contiene 59 archivos e incluye entre otros elementos:

  • Sample Awareness Materials
    Included is sample awareness content that has been used worldwide to help people recognize and respond to security and safety issues. This content has been used in community programs, schools, industry organizations, and online via staysafe.org. You can use this material as an example or directly in your own internal awareness programs.

  • Sample Training Materials
    Your internal security awareness and training program may have training targeted by job role. This material includes sample training sessions intended for IT Professionals.

  • Sample Templates
    The tools listed here contain messaging templates that can be adapted for your internal security awareness communications.
    - Brochure Templates
    - E-Mail Invite Template
    - Fact Sheet Templates
    - FAQs
    - Newsletter Template
    - Poster Templates
    - PowerPoint Templates
    - Quick Reference Card

Security Awareness Program Development Guidance
This guidance material includes a white paper Key Considerations for Developing Effective Information and Training Programs that outlines how to successfully and effectively address an information security awareness and training program. Included is an accompanying information security awareness presentation titled The Role of Information Security in Everyday Business. This presentation provides content that can be leveraged for effective security awareness presentations to organizations’ entire workforces, and also can be used to serve as an official launch of the information security awareness and training program in your organization. Also included is an End User Security Awareness presentation template and video, providing material to help articulate what is involved with building an information security awareness and training program to your management and peers within your company

Descarga: Security Awareness Program Material
(ZIP, 120 MB)

Post relacionado:

- Pósters de Concientización en Seguridad de la Información (I)
- Pósters de Concientización en Seguridad de la Información (II)
- Pósters de Concientización en Seguridad de la Información (III)
- Pósters de Concientización en Seguridad de la Información (IV)

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