La economía del mundo criminal del ciber espacio está en auge, a pesar de que el resto de la economía se tambalea hacia la recesión, según un nuevo estudio de Symantec. Se estima que el valor combinado de los bienes robados que se intercambian en los foros del mundo criminal es de $276 millones en los doce meses previos a junio del 2008.
Visto en
July 07–June 08
Published November 2008
The Symantec Report on the Underground Economy is a survey of cybercrime activity in the underground economy. It includes a discussion of some of the more notable groups involved, as well as an examination of some of the major advertisers and the most popular goods and services available. It also includes an overview of the servers and channels that have been identified as hosts for trading, and a snapshot of software piracy using a file-sharing protocol in the public domain. This report is meant to be an analysis of certain aspects of the underground economy and is not meant to encompass a survey of Internet cybercrime as a whole. For the underground economy servers observed by Symantec, the period of observation was between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008. The software piracy observed by Symantec occurred over a three-month period between July and September, 2008. All prices are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted. Also, due to rounding, percentages given may not total exactly 100 percent.
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