miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Guia de Código Seguro: Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development 2ND EDITION

Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development  - 2ND EDITION
A Guide to the Most Effective Secure Development Practices in Use Today
February 8, 2011 - SAFECode

SAFECode publico el pasado 8 de febrero/2011 la segunda edición del documento titulado "Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development - A Guide to the Most Effective Secure Development Practices in Use Today", documento muy útil a la hora del desarrollo seguro de software.

The report is intended to help others in the industry initiate or improve their own software security programs and encourage the industry-wide adoption of fundamental secure development methods.

Secure Design Principles
- Threat Modeling
- Use Least Privilege
- Implement Sandboxing
Secure Coding Practices
- Minimize Use of Unsafe String and Buffer Functions
- Validate Input and Output to Mitigate Common Vulnerabilities
- Use Robust Integer Operations for Dynamic Memory Allocations and Array Offsets
- Use Anti-Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Libraries
- Use Canonical Data Formats
- Avoid String Concatenation for Dynamic SQL Statements
- Eliminate Weak Cryptography
- Use Logging and Tracing
Testing Recommendations
- Determine Attack Surface
- Use Appropriate Testing Tools
- Perform Fuzz / Robustness Testing
- Perform Penetration Testing
Technology Recommendations
- Use a Current Compiler Toolset
- Use Static Analysis Tools

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