Full feature list
- - Supported filters: FlateDecode, RunLengthDecode, ASCIIHEXDecode, ASCII85Decode, LZWDecode
- - Integrated shellcode tools:
- . sclog gui (Shellcode Analysis tool)
- . scdbg libemu based Shellcode analysis tool
- . Shellcode_2_Exe functionality
- . Export unescaped bytes to file
- - Supports filter chaining (ie multiple filters applied to same stream)
- - Supports unescaping encoded pdf headers
- - Scriptable interface to process multiple files and generate reports
- - View all pdf objects
- - View deflated streams
- - View stream details such as file offsets, header, etc
- - Save raw and deflated data
- - Search streams for strings
- - Scan for functions which contain pdf exploits (dumb scan)
- - Format javascript using js beautifier (see credits in readme)
- - View streams as hex dumps
- - Zlib compress/decompress arbitrary files
- - Replace/update pdf streams with your own data
- - Basic JavaScript interface so you can run parts of embedded scripts
- - PdfDecryptor w/source – uses iTextSharp and requires .Net Framework 2.0
- - Basic JavaScript de-obsfuscator
- - Can hide: header only streams, duplicate streams, selected streams
- - JS UI also has access to a toolbox class to
- . simplify fragmented strings
- . read/write files
- . do hexdumps
- . do unicode safe unescapes
- . disassembler engine
- . replicate some common Adobe API (new)
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