viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

BSA Cloud Scorecard 2012

The first-of-its-kind BSA Global Cloud Computing Scorecard ranks 24 countries accounting for 80 percent of the global ICT market based on seven policy categories that measure the countries’ preparedness to support the growth of cloud computing. This unprecedented insight into the laws and regulations of markets around the world provides a window into which countries are best poised to capitalize on the technological and economic benefits of cloud computing.
Among other findings: The Scorecard reveals that while developed nations are more “cloud ready” than developing economies, troubling obstacles emerge when you examine the lack of alignment in the legal and regulatory environments in many of those advanced countries. A healthy national market for cloud computing does not necessarily translate into a market that is “in harmony” with the laws of other countries in a way that will allow for the smooth flow of data across borders. It is this kind of harmony that is needed to advance the growth of cloud computing at the level that will allow it to truly take advantage of its global efficiencies.

Scorecard Themes
The Scorecard examines major laws and regulations relevant to cloud computing in seven policy categories as well as each country’s ICT-related infrastructure and broadband deployment. These policy categories align with the BSA’s Cloud Computing Guiding Principles, which underpin the Scorecard’s analytical framework and its suggestions for providing a workable framework to allow for the growth of cloud computing.
    • - Data Privacy

    • - Security

    • - Cybercrime 

    • - Intellectual Property

    • - Standards/International Harmonization of Rules

    • - Promoting Free Trade

    • - ICT Readiness, Broadband Deployment

Country Ranking

The scorecard finds a sharp divide between advanced economies and the developing world when it comes to cloud readiness.
Cloud Computing Policy Environment

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