viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

PwC and Iron Mountain create Europe’s first Risk Maturity Index

Como complemento al post "España, mejor que la media en seguridad de la información, según PwC", les presentamos:

Iron Mountain has collaborated with professional services firm, PwC, to produce innovative risk management research culminating in the creation of the Risk Maturity Index. We have created this infographic to introduce the research and highlight its key findings. The research is a wakeup call to SMEs that the risks they face in terms of data protection are not being addressed. What is more, failure to perform proper risk assessment and make changes could mean the difference between a business’s ultimate success or failure.

Overall, the report concludes that mid-sized businesses in Europe have a Risk Maturity Index score of 40.6. The report includes the statistic that only 1% of businesses surveyed believed that data protection was the responsibility of everyone in the company. The report highlights that employees are at the centre of common information management issues and that changing workplace culture was a crucial part to play in mitigating risk.

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