lunes, 21 de enero de 2013

Secure Coding PL/SQL

Pete Finnigan's Oracle security weblog
I wrote a new presentation last year on secure coding with PL/SQL and presented it twice; once at a SIG in London and once in Oracles office in Edinburgh. This is a really interesting subject for me as i have spent a lot of time working with PL/SQL code, looking for bugs for customers, securing PL/SQL code and also developing PFCLObfuscate our product to help customers protect the Intelectual Property in their PL/SQL code.

We are going to release a new version of PFCLObfuscate soon with some major new features; I will talk about that soon and show some demonstrations.

In the meantime the purpose of this blog post is to say that I have posted the slides to this securing PL/SQL talk on my Oracle Security white papers page. The talk Securing PL/SQL Coding can be downloaded! 

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