miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) release version:1.5

encuentra disponible la ultima versión de la herramienta Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI)

Esta herramienta para los que nunca la utilizaron se encarga de comprobar que los programas instalados en tu sistema no dispongan de fallos de seguridad que puedan poner en riesgo tu sistema.

Version (24th June 2009)

    This is a major release, which includes many new features, improvements, and changes that significantly improve the Secunia PSI. We recommend all Secunia PSI users to upgrade. Please also read our blog regarding this release.

  • New Feature: Secure Browsing
    Secure Browsing is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of online security. If your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) or its plugins (Adobe Flash Player, QuickTime, Sun Java, etc.) contain vulnerabilities, then you're exposed to security threats every single time you visit a website.
    The Secunia PSI can assist you to ensure that your browsing experience is safe and secure.
  • New Feature: Secunia PSI WorldMap
    Benchmark your score against other users from your own continent, country, and region, and see how users from different countries are installing security patches, etc.
  • "Program Monitoring" on 64-bit Systems
    The Secunia PSI now includes a 64-bit driver capable of detecting removal and installation of new programs on 64-bit systems.
  • Easy Access to Detected Program Changes
    The "tray-balloon" that pops up stating if new programs have been discovered allows quick access to the changes. Simply clicking the balloon will automatically take you to the changed entry in the Secunia PSI interface.
  • Improved Program Monitoring
    The automatic monitoring of program installations and updates, along with removal of programs have been improved, thus providing a more responsive detection of changes.
  • Prompt Before Automatic Launch of Internet Explorer
    The Secunia PSI now prompts before opening links that require Internet Explorer, thus ignoring the default browser on a system. For example "Microsoft Update" and installing the Adobe Flash plugin for Internet Explorer.
  • Automatic Full Rescan on Upgrade
    The Secunia PSI will automatically start a new full-scan when you upgrade your Secunia PSI installation. This is to ensure that your results are up-to-date and that you can fully enjoy new features offered by the latest Secunia PSI.
  • Added Status Indicator
    A status indicator has been added to the bottom of the Secunia PSI it informs you about what the Secunia PSI is currently doing, along with general recommendations for improved usage of your Secunia PSI.
  • Detection of Known Restore/Backup Folders
    The Secunia PSI can detect several known restore and backup (e.g. "Windows.old", "i386", etc.) folders on your PC. Furthermore, offering you to quickly create Ignore Rules for these, if insecure programs are found in these folders.
    Naturally, it is still a delicate decision between ignoring a detected security issue in such folders and when to actually resolve them.
  • Enhanced Detection, Assessment, and Remediation of 64-bit Programs
    The Secunia PSI is now able to better distinguish between 32-bit and 64-bit programs.
  • Enhanced Logic for Detecting Problematic Programs
  • Improved the Secunia PSI's ability to run and get localised for PCs in Asia, Africa, and South America
  • Implemented ability to detect and assess Firefox plugins
  • Significantly increased amount of detected ActiveX controls
  • Added visual indicators for certain tabs
    Enabling you see exactly where your attention is required ('Insecure', 'End-of-Life', and 'Secure Browsing')
  • Reduced Memory Usage
  • Improved Scan Speed
  • Fully Converted to Unicode
    The Secunia PSI has been converted to unicode. In order to support more languages.

Link relacionados:
- Secunia PSI: US PCs Have 2,720,800,000 Vulnerable Programs Installed!
- Secunia PSI WorldMap

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